The goal is to be the best partner in thermal management solutions – 2023 review

Alot happened in Lumikko during 2023, and the pace hasn’t slowed down this year. Instead, the focus is even clearer – we want to be the best partner in thermal management solutions – and we work towards the goal every day. Even though the focus is on the future, last year deserves a little memoir.
The new strategy work was completed and our turnover was increased from 5.7 million to 7.1 million. Lumikko’s CEO Kimmo Pyykönen says that, along with these, the most important goal of the year was keeping customer promises.
“Customer experience is the most important thing to us, and in order to be the best partner, we have dug into each of our operations, faced the brutal facts and started developing our operations even better.”
The work is continuous, and it will not be finished in a year. However, there were several successes last year.
“I am happy with our team and the focus of our work. We are serious about what we do and work well as a team. “

Better customer experience is the main goal of our development work
The design and production of thermal management solutions are Lumikko’s most important functions. We are proud of the expertise that we have accumulated in these areas for over 50 years. Renewal and continuous development are also of paramount importance in order to meet the targeted growth and customer needs.
“The best partner means that we are fast, flexible, high-quality and reliable. From this point of view, we started the development of our operations and its planning last year.”
How did this actually appear?
“Our quality and design team was strengthened with, among other things, a new project manager and a mechanical designer. Renewing the processes not only makes work more efficient and improves our customer communication, but also makes us more flexible than before.”
Production development was prepared last year and this year the preparations became more concrete.
“We made a significant investment of more than half a million in the production layout reform. The renovation was completed in March 2024 and ramp-up is underway. The new layout enables e.g. more efficient, higher quality and safer production and better working conditions.”
Responsibility investigation work was and is constantly the focus of attention.
“We hired new expertise for responsibility and environmental assessments and have prepared our operations for ISO 14001 certification.”

This year’s focus is in thermal management solutions for electric working machines and refrigerant investigations
The main industries in which we solve thermal management challenges are the energy and defense industries as well as railway.
“We have developed solutions, for example, for cooling the batteries and charging stations of electric working machines in the mining and port industries. This year and in the longer term, we will focus more and more in thermal management of electric working machines and we will do product development work.”
Considering electronic working machines, Lumikko is involved in a research, development and innovation project, and funding has also been sought for the development work. One challenge for which a solution is sought is the development of refrigerants and alternatives in a more sustainable direction.
“We are doing investigative work and have hired and will hire new expertise also for the subject’s teams.”
Cooling solutions for Finland’s first express tram and Tampere tram extensions
In the field of railway, one of the most significant projects was the delivery of HVAC solutions to Raide-Jokeri, which started operating in November 2023, i.e. Pikaraitiotie 15. Raide-Jokeri also opened up tram traffic to the Espoo side. Read more about the Raide-Jokeri project.
“The railway customers have been Lumikko’s foundation for 30 years and are deep in our DNA.”

All the trams in Tampere have HVAC solutions designed and implemented by Lumikko. In 2023, the cooperation continued.
“Urbanization and public transport development plans are also in line with Lumikko’s will. We want to support the development of sustainable mobility with our high-quality cooling solutions designed for the challenging conditions of the Nordic region.”
Long experience in thermal management solutions for the defense industry
Lumikko has been manufacturing cooling and air conditioning solutions for the defense industry since the 1980s. In recent years, the importance of security and the domestic defense industry has been emphasized even more.
“We want to bring our cards to the table and be involved in offering our customized thermal management solutions for the needs of the defense industry as well.”
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