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Our customer Enico aims to grow five times bigger

Energy storage is currently a hot topic. Vaasa Energy week, a March-held event, had its own day for Energy Storage second year in a row. The growth of the market is also reflected in the goals of our energy storage customer Enico. Enico, established in 2019, is targeting an ambitious fivefold growth this year.

The company has invested heavily in product development, creating a versatile product family that’s now ready to meet various energy storage needs. Now this work is starting to bear fruit.

“Our product is easy to take into use in a day. We have the right number of products for different usage needs, so there is no need for customization,” says Enico’s CEO Marko Lähteenmäki.

There are not many similar players in this market. Enico offers various buyers an easy energy storage solution that includes everything from operation to easy usage. The customer gets the benefits of energy storage without worries – lower costs, improved supply reliability and utilization of renewable energy when it is needed.

Cooling: a critical component in Energy Storage

In energy storage systems, the inverter, battery and cooling technology are crucial for optimal performance. Enico prioritizes to collaborate with partners close by to ensure maximum reliability for end-users.

The idea of Lumiko as a suitable partner originated from Lumikko’s previous shows. One of the founders of Enico had gained good experience with Lumikko at Ubitec, where a modified cooling solution that suited their needs was designed.

“We started planning mobile energy storage, which is a very specific product and requires a cooling solution designed for it. Lumikko’s displays on customizing cooling solutions and long experience in the defense industry and rail transport convinced us,” says Lähteenmäki.

CEO Marko Lähteenmäki is one of the founders of Enico

Mobile Energy Storage: A Game-Changer

Enico is Finland’s sole provider of mobile energy storage, a unique offering in the Nordics. The mobile energy storage has Lumikko’s customized cooling solution.

Mobile energy storage have several uses, and a fossil-free society is a good driver for them. For example these systems are set to replace diesel generators in construction, contributing to a fossil-free industry.

“In Norway, public construction sites may not use fossil fuels after 2025,” says Lähteenmäki.

Impact of Fossil-Free Construction

A lot of machines that run on fossil diesel fuel are used on construction sites, which, in addition to emissions, deteriorate local air quality and cause noise nuisance. The shift towards electric machinery, supported by energy storage, will significantly reduce emissions and improve local conditions at construction sites.

The transition to fossil-free construction is a significant step in reducing emissions, as the share of construction in big cities in total emissions is considerable. For example, in Oslo in 2019, up to 20% of all emissions were caused by machinery on construction sites.

In Finland, the development is in the same direction as in Norway. The goal of the Green Deal agreement signed in 2020 is that by the end of 2025, the construction sites of the municipalities and the Senate involved in the agreement will be fossil-free. In addition, by 2030, at least 50% of the machinery used on construction sites and transport on construction sites will run on electricity, biogas or hydrogen. Read more: Sitoumus2050

The mobile energy storages are going to replace diesel generators at construction sites

Energy storage in brief:


• Energy storage is a process where energy is collected in storage for later use.
• Energy storage makes it possible to separate the production and consumption of electricity in time, which helps to equalize the load on the electricity grid and improve the utilization of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power.
• Efficient energy storage plays a key role in moving towards more sustainable and low-emission energy production.

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