
Thermal Management plays a major role in the electrification of mobile work machinery – Future Mobile Work Machine 2024

Future Mobile Work Machine 2024, the most important mobile machinery event of the year in Finland, brought together leading companies in the field at the end of May. The mobile machinery industry is undergoing a transformation, and the event focused especially on electrification, autonomy, green and digital transitions.  ”The energy sector and thermal management solutions […]

Thermal Management plays a major role in the electrification of mobile work machinery – Future Mobile Work Machine 2024 Read More »

The goal is to be the best partner in thermal management solutions – 2023 review

A lot happened in Lumikko during 2023, and the pace hasn’t slowed down this year. Instead, the focus is even clearer – we want to be the best partner in thermal management solutions – and we work towards the goal every day. Even though the focus is on the future, last year deserves a little

The goal is to be the best partner in thermal management solutions – 2023 review Read More »

Arctestin myyntijohtaja Johan Kinnula edustamassa Arctestia omalla messupisteellä Vaasa Energy Weekeillä

Extreme condition experts started cooperation | Arctest Oy

Extreme conditions and a flexible operating model unite Lumikko and our new customer, Arctest Oy, a leading expert in environmental testing equipment. Arctest creates the necessary conditions for its customers – cold, hot, humid, bright – for the necessary testing. Lumikko, on the other hand, cools and heats where it is needed. Arctest’s testing conditions

Extreme condition experts started cooperation | Arctest Oy Read More »

Light rail 15 drives in Leppävaara

The energy-efficient HVAC solutions of Finland’s first light rail line is provided by Lumikko

Finland’s first light rail line, Raide-Jokeri, starts its operations on October 21st, and Lumikko’s thermal management solutions appear in every tram. Our HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) solutions will cool the journey between Helsinki’s Itäkeskus and Espoo’s Keilaniemi starting this Saturday. The new 25-kilometer track enables tram travel in entirely new areas. This facilitates

The energy-efficient HVAC solutions of Finland’s first light rail line is provided by Lumikko Read More »

Kuvassa Lumikon henkilöstöä laatutyöpajassa

Continuous improvement guides Lumikko’s operations

Lumikko Oy’s operations are guided by the principle of continuous improvement. Since 2022, Lean thinking has been at the center of the operation, bringing great benefits to the company’s performance, efficiency and quality. Lumikko’s guiding values are quality, development, reliability and responsibility. One way to ensure the realization of these values is to evaluate one’s

Continuous improvement guides Lumikko’s operations Read More »

Lumikon ilmastointijärjestelmä juniin ja raitiovaunuihin

Local production and experience adds value | Skoda Transtech Oy and Tampere Tramway Ltd

In 2019, the first tram manufactured by Škoda Transtech Oy was delivered to Tampere. The Tampere tram network currently operates 20 trams, which incorporate Lumikko Oy´s HVAC system as part of the overall solution. Lumikko Ltd. collaborates with Tampere Tramway Ltd. through the long Škoda partnership. In total, Finland has over two hundred trams, featuring

Local production and experience adds value | Skoda Transtech Oy and Tampere Tramway Ltd Read More »

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